279 Main St
Mathews, Va, Virginia 23109

These intensive two days are designed to take the uninitiated weaver to a state of confidence with a loom. Students learn to plan their project, prepare the yarn to go on the loom, dress the loom and weave off their project. All of this is done in two days. It is especially for potential weavers who want to know how to dress the loom and to explore loom types. In this class students will be working on tapestry looms. Students may want to bring yarns they have dyed in the Dye to Weave workshop or the materials fee will cover materials provided by the instructor. Pay materials fee to instructor on first day of class.

Official Website: http://www.cherrihankins.com

Added by maidensweaver on June 7, 2007



2 openings still available as of 6/22/07.
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