N19 w24133 Riverwood Dr, Ste 150
Waukesha, Wisconsin 53188

Microsoft & Concurrency invite you to a free HR Improvement Event to explore the practical, inexpensive HR solutions built around Microsoft SharePoint. We will show you how you can get more work done with less people and a smaller budget and how you can eliminate tedious tasks, human error, and routine processes.

HR topics include:

Employee Records: Improve processes for creating, searching, and deleting sensitive records
Scorecards/KPIs: Straightforward planning, forecasting, analysis, and graphical performance reporting

Evaluations: Manage feedback more effectively and improve 360 processes
Skill Inventories: Better manage employee skill inventories with easily customizable forms
Compliance Manuals: Develop documents across teams and improve content reuse
Remote Training: Virtual and remote training to reduce costs and streamline training processes


8:45 - 9:00 AM
Breakfast & Registration

9:00 - 10:45 AM
Part I: Business Processes: Reviewing line-of-business applications and the cloud of unstructured work

Part II: Unstructured Work: Evaluating the opportunity for improving unstructured work

Part III: Solution Examples: Examining readily improvable business processes

Part IV: Next Step: How to engage the solutions

10:45 - 11:00 AM
Q & A / Raffle

Organized by Concurrency, Inc.
Since 1989, Concurrency has provided the highest-value-adding IT solutions in the Midwest. We have the expertise necessary to get the job done rightthe first time.

Ticket Info:  HR Improvement Event, Free

Official Website: http://concurrency-hr-upcoming.eventbrite.com

Added by eventbrite-events on March 19, 2009

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