Putra Place, 100 Jalan Putra, 50350 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Kuala Lumpur, Kuala Lumpur 50350

Audits are part and parcel of ISO 9001 Quality Management Systems. You can’t run away from it! Handling it effectively to benefit the organization is an art – to be learned.

Handling Audit & Auditors Effectively is a specially designed program that will provide you the ingredient to succeed in an external/third party audit. The program provides tools and techniques of managing the audit and meeting the auditor’s requirements/expectation. “A not-to-be missed’ session for those tasked with helping their organizations achieve their company objectives and goals in line with Quality Management System Audits/ Certifications.

* Understand and know in detail the audit requirement and reason
for audits
* Prepare with greater understanding for external audits based on knowing what ISO 9001 standard requires, ISO 19011 requires and what the auditors require as evidence.
* Undertake audit follow-up activities, including evaluating the effectiveness
of corrective action.
* Using the Audit results for continual improvement.

Who Should Attend

Quality Management Representatives, Department Heads, Managers, Executives, Process Owners that are tasked to handle audits and Internal Auditors.

Official Website: http://www.gin-my.com/ws_20090114_audit.php

Added by tfliam on October 15, 2008

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