35 St George St
Toronto, Ontario M5S 3G8

Topic: Asterisk/Zork

Speaker: Simon P. Ditner


Simon will be discussing his ZoIP project, which brings the classic 1980's text adventure Zork to your telephone using the Asterisk PBX, Festival TTS, Sphinx STT, and some Perl to glue it all together.


Room GB244
35 St. George Street
Galbraith Building, University of Toronto
Toronto, Ontario M5S 3G8
University of Toronto


http://oracle.osm.utoronto.ca/map/ http://maps.google.ca/maps?q=35+St+George+St,+Toronto,+ON&hl=en

P.S.: Do note there is a groups of Linux fans who gather at the Pho Hung Restaurant, 350 Spadina Avenue (just north of Dundas St. E.) starting at 6:00 PM to discuss Linux related stuff before the meeting, all over Vietnamese style food...

Official Website: http://www.gtalug.org/

Added by colinmc151 on June 5, 2006