All Cities, Illinois

Dial In Number: (712) 429-0690
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One of the biggest challenges you face as a job seeker faces has nothing to do with
the format of your resume, your skills or your plan. According to Ronda Del Boccio,
this challenge is determined solely by what happens in the six inches between your
The story you tell yourself about yourself and your abilities is critical for your
success. In this edition of the Contrarian Career Chat, you'll discover how to tell
the story of you in a way that empowers you to succeed without "selling yourself"
or alienating the person you're talking to.
Ronda Del Boccio is known globally as The Story Lady and teaches business people
to tell their personal and professional stories in an emotionally connective way.
Despite being legally blind, Ronda works with people all over the world as an author,
speaker and mentor. She is the co-author of I'll Push You Steer: The Definitive
Guide to Stumbling through Life with Blinders On [],
and her upcoming book, The Geometry of Success.
Ronda is an award-winning author, transformational speaker and mentor who teaches
authors and entrepreneurs how to connect with anyone through the power of storytelling
and live from their power.
Claim your free storytelling guide and audio training at
Contrarian Career Chats are free monthly teleseminars featuring authors, speakers
and life coaches whose products, services and teachings will help you realize that
when you change your thinking, you change your life.

Official Website: &

Added by coach_ronda on February 17, 2009