1815 Massachusetts Ave,
Cambridge, Massachusetts 02140

(If you have a special discount code, click on the link above titled "Enter Discount Code")

Free Agent Jungle hosts a monthly networking lunch for people working
solo in the greater Boston area: free agents, freelancers, consultants
and contractors from diverse industries and areas of expertise.
Inspired by a lunch Sooz
had with another freelancer who shared her complaints about not seeing
enough humans in person during the work day, she hosted Free Agent
Boston events 1999-2004.
The project has relaunched as Free Agent Jungle with it's second event coming up at Tavern in the Square in Cambridge's Porter Square on
Thursday, March 19, 2009 at 11:30 AM. The lunch series takes place
the third Thursday of each month.

Event Format
11:30 - 12:15 Introductions & Networking
12:15 - 1:30 Lunch & Networking

Free Agent Jungle Networking Philosophy

This is an event
to get out to meet new people from diverse industries, make business connections, find future
collaborators and share information about your services -- but it is
not a sales-focused event to generate leads. (For example, if you work
as an independent agent or distributor for a corporation, this
is not an event for you.)

Who Is Invited?
You are invited to join us if you are working on your own and describe yourself as a free agent, freelancer, consultant or contractor.

Why Attend?
Sooz started this event because she and free agent/freelancer cohorts were spending a lot of time alone working from home. It's good to get out once a month during the day and see someone other than the person delivering your mail! It's also an opportunity to network with other free agents working in diverse industries and backgrounds who may need your help on a project someday. This event is not exclusive to people working in tech/web/social media. If you go to a lot of tech events and want to meet people outside that world, this is an excellent event to attend.

What is included in the cost?
The registration fee is
all-inclusive and includes networking plus lunch (entree and soda or
coffee.) After the event you will receive the business contact
information of each participant. If you are unable to attend, the
registration fee can be transferred to a future lunch event if you
cancel prior to 24 hours before the event.

Lunch includes a choice of a variety of salads and sandwiches plus soda or coffee. View the lunch menu PDF. (Beer and wine are available separately from your registration fee.)

Directions & Parking
Tavern in the Square is located at 1815 Massachusetts Aenue in Porter Square / Cambridge. (This is not the restaurant in Central Square.) Take the Red Line to Porter Square and walk 60 seconds down Mass Ave to the restaurant towards Harvard Square.
If you are driving, discounted / validated parking is available behind Tavern in the Square.

Organized by Sooz & Free Agent Jungle
Free Agent Jungle events are equal parts social + networking + support for anyone working on their own as a free agent, freelancer or consultant. If you would like to host a Free Agent Jungle event in your city, please contact Sooz.

Ticket Info:  
  • Early Bird Free Agent Jungle Lunch Registration, $15.00
  • Free Agent Jungle Lunch Registration, $20.00

Official Website: http://freeagentjungle-bos-02-upcoming.eventbrite.com

Added by eventbrite-events on March 20, 2009

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