Pelham Street
Brighton, England BN1 4FA

You may have noticed that FlashBrighton has been getting more fluffy and lovely and creative lately. But this doesn't mean that we've left our FlashCoding past behind us, in fact we're having a proper geek out session at next week's meeting.

We're lovingly stealing BrightonCodingDojo's [1] idea of running a group programming session.

So it's a Flash coding dojo, or Flojo! See what I did there? ;-)

It should be a lot of fun to work together to create a single program and this time we'll be making a Flash game! All levels of programmers are welcome, and it'll be really valuable to see how everyone approaches the task.

Numbers are STRICTLY limited, so register here as an attendee quick to assure your place.

Let's get typing!

[1] Also known as Type Club

Rule 1 - You do not talk about Type Club
Rule 2 - Actually you can talk about it if you want. Especially on the BNM list.
Rule 3 - If tonight is your first night... you have to type.

And yes I'm really sorry about that.

Official Website:

Added by sebleedelisle on May 30, 2007



Please to feel free to run a flash coding session for us as well in return for the idea theft! ;)


this is a bit of a departure from the 'Flash coding for designers' that was originally planned for this day (and that I've just recommended to loads of people!). Are you planning to re-schedule that event for a future date?


Hi Ribot,

you'll notice that it clearly states that that was a draft schedule :-) And we also haven't found anyone to present that session yet... but we're provisionally rescheduling it to 26th June.
