2500 W Broad St
Richmond, Virginia 23220

Energy — we can’t seem to live without it. Whether we’re driving to the store, walking through a museum, surfing the web or waves, energy is all around us. Get charged up as you discover new ways to save energy at home and find out about alternative energies that will power our future at the Family Energy Festival at the Science Museum of Virginia, Saturday, April 30, 10 am-4 pm.
The festival is filled with fascinating things to do from touring the Virginia Tech Solar House and investigating New Energy Virginia exhibits to witnessing Nicola Tesla and Thomas Edison disagreeing over the effectiveness of direct current and alternating current electricity. Kids can use a simple solar oven to cook s’mores, check out a hydrogen fuel cell model car travel with no emissions and water vapor as its only byproduct and cheer on solar powered model cars in the Junior Solar Sprint, weather permitting.
If all this has you wondering how much energy the world uses in a day, visit the Watt Wall for a high energy video experience filled with wow-power.

Official Website: http://www.smv.org

Added by janine.rvanews on April 23, 2011

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