200 S. Lake Av.
Pasadena, California 91101

You Are Invited to Attend. If You Are: Athletic or not, wanting to improve your health,
Ready for new information to improve your Yoga practice,
Ready to learn all about the Cosmic Body Chakras, your Aura
Ready to energize and improve yourself by this experience…

Free 2 hour Parking in back of building
You may bring your lunch.

The Playshop: The Sanskrit word Chakra means “wheel of light”. The Chakras are a part of the system and practice of Yoga. Learn what, where, why and how they are and how they relate to you, your Life. The playshop is interactive and will also include a 7 Part Practice:
Breath, Lesson, Chakra, Astrologic Life Cycle, Element, Sacred Geometry, Postures, and Word. Everyone is welcome to attend; study program is subject to change.

Ren Yogamaya, E-RYT 500 is a registered Yoga Teacher at the highest level with the Yoga Alliance, as well as a writer and a syndicated columnist for the Desert Star Weekly, The Foothills Paper and The Voice of The Village. She is also the author of the book, Eat By Color: Foods, Colors And The Chakras. She has studied
under many teachers, masters including, Steven Earth, Yogi Bhajan, Swami Satchidinanda, Swami Anand Tathagat and Drunvalo Melchizedek who imparted to Ren the eastern practices of Kundalini, Integral Hatha, Tantra, Kama Sutra, Tao, Zen, Tibetan Vajrayana and the ancient wisdom of The Flower of Life. Ren is one of a very few Yoga teachers in the world who practices and teaches the Yoga Korunta and is also a natural channel for Universal Source.

$40. Per Person, $30. Students & Seniors with I.D. (Reserve your space now with a non-refundable fee ~ 50% due by April 6, 2012)

Ren Rasa Yogamaya, E- RYT 500 - 760-567-5850

www.YogaBlue.com 626-396-9642

Added by Solange Silverman on March 16, 2012


Solange Silverman

Do NOT miss this opportunity to learn from one of the BEST!