3800 SOuthwest Fwy
Houston, Texas 77027

EFO The Polo Experience

Eight Friends Out is starting off the New Year with a very good start. We are visiting one of Houston’s top restaurants. The namesake of the restaurant, Chef Polo Becerra, has created this restaurant with New American Cuisine and only the freshest ingredients around. You will be dining in luxury with other singles in Houston and enjoying some of the best food in and around Houston. This is a Polo Experience that you won’t want to miss!

Ages 40 & under

$50 EFO members; $60 non-members

6:30 –9:00PM

Polo Signature, 3800 Southwest Fwy Houston, TX 77027

http://www.EightFriendsOut.com or 281-870-0827

Official Website: http://www.eightfriendsout.com

Added by eventscafe on December 17, 2008

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