Putra Place, 100, Jalan Putra
Kuala Lumpur, Kuala Lumpur 50350

Data and information management has become an essential part of any organization's daily operation. There are various types of records and data that have to be recorded and managed to ensure smooth operation of an organization. The information retained and managed range from classified, semi-classified and none classified and also vary in degrees of importance.

Therefore, it is crucial for the personnel involved in recording and managing this information to understand the degree of importance of the data that they manage and the detrimental effect of data mismanagement to the organization's daily operation and growth.

An important aspect of data management is to understand methods to store and manage data in a systematic manner where information is readily available and retrievable by the right personnel who need to use these data for their decision making. Delay in obtaining information often leads to lost of valuable resources such as time and manpower. It also sometimes leads to inaccurate decision making which causes unwanted outcomes and loses to the organization.

Another problem that is often faced is a situation where too many non-valuable records are maintained which is not useful in any way to the improvement of the process and administration of the organization.

Such data recording is a waste of very valuable resources and must be avoided.
What is this workshop about?

In the "Effective Record & Filling Management" program, participants will be able to learn numerous methods of filing system which is both highly efficient and user-friendly. Participants will be educated on the different types of records and the degree of importance of the records.

Participants will also learn skills needed to carry out their daily function with high efficiency such as pro-activeness, good communication skills and many more.

Participants will also be guided on methods to resolve conflicts and overcome obstacles they face at their workplace in carrying out their function to create highly robust records maintenance and filing system function for the maximum benefit of the organization.

Official Website: http://www.gin-my.com/ws_201008_ERFM.php

Added by tfliam on June 24, 2010

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