6 N Laurel St
Richmond, Virginia

Sedaris's droll assessment of the mundane and the eccentrics who inhabit the world's crevices makes him one of the greatest humorists writing today." — Chicago Tribune

David Sedaris is back and funnier than ever. You may know him from his bestselling books including Me Talk Pretty One Day, Naked, and When You Are Engulfed in Flames. Or perhaps you know him from his hilarious radio contributions on This American Life. However you know him, chances are David Sedaris has made you laugh. America's preeminent humorist returns to Richmond with his latest work—a book of animal fables titled Squirrel Seeks Chipmunk: A Modest Bestiary featuring artwork by Ian Falconer (of Olivia fame). With more than 6.5 million books in print in 25 languages, Sedaris is a master of deliciously side-splitting humor and heart-rending observations of the human experience. Time Out New York raves, "David Sedaris just may be the funniest man alive."

Audience Advisory: May contain adult content and language.
Sponsored in part by the E. Rhodes and Leona B. Carpenter Foundation.

Official Website: http://www.landmarktheater.net/default.asp?landmark=38&objId=571

Added by janine.rvanews on September 28, 2010

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