214 West 29th Street
New York, New York

The Creativity Workshop in New York takes place in Manhattan at the Meta Center in the Chelsea district. Chelsea is famous for its art galleries, small boutiques and cafes. The Meta Center is located at 214 West 29th St., about 10 blocks from Penn Station, Madison Square Garden and Macy's. We will meet for 3 hours and will explore ways to expand our creativity through a series of exercises including guided visualization technique, automatic drawing and writing, map making, memoir, and storytelling. Throughout the workshop, the exercises and talks by the instructors will focus on ways to:

Believe in your creativity
Stimulate your perceptive abilities
Find inspiration in the world around you
Discover and use images from the unconscious
Get over creative blocks and the fear of failure
Engage your curiosity
Recognize and use your creative instincts
Give yourself the time, permission, and nourishment to do creative work
Develop a daily practice to accomplish these goals
Work collaboratively
Use your memories to engage the imagination

Official Website: http://www.creativityworkshop.com/newyork.html

Added by Creativity on September 2, 2009

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