580 Duncan Avenue
Courtenay, British Columbia V9N 2M7

Individual Tickets $50, Table of Eight $350

Featuring Artwork by:
Robert Amos, Robert Bateman, Kitty Blandy, Ken Flett, Paul Fortin,
Natasha Henderson, John Hooley, E.J. Hughes, Jed Irwin,
George Littlechild, Emilio Marani, Ann Newdigate, Sabrina Ovesen,
Nick Raynolds, Robert Randall, Liz Russell, George Sawchuk, Brian Scott, Paula Scott, Joe Smith, Carole Thompson, Marilyn Timms, Ed Varney AND MANY MORE!

Musical entertainment by The ANNIE SIEGEL TRIO

Official Website: http://www.comoxvalleyartgallery.com/Pages/special.html

Added by mastermynde on October 6, 2006

Interested 1