50 W. Jefferson St
Phoenix, Arizona 85003

Brad Garrett played Ray Romano's brother Robert on the hit CBS series “Everybody Loves Raymond,” which has earned him five Emmy nominations and Emmy Awards for Outstanding Supporting Actor in a Comedy Series. Garrett's television guest roles range from stints on “Roseanne” and "Mad About You,” to his trademark role of the obsessive mechanic on “Seinfeld” (you may remember him stealing Jerry's Saab in order to teach him a lesson about poor auto maintenance). Garrett's voice-over work includes giving life to Fatso, the ghost in the mega-hit feature “Casper,” and can be heard playing the part of Dim, the rhinoceros beetle, in the Pixar/Disney feature, “A Bug's Life” and Bloat the blowfish in Pixar/Disney's, “Finding Nemo.” He has since been seen in HBO's “Don King: Only in America,” “George B,” with David Morse, “Suicide Kings,” with Christopher Walken, Showtime's “Clubland,” with Alan Alda, and director Woody Allen's “Sweet & Lowdown,” with Sean Penn and Uma Thurman. Garrett has also guest hosted The Late Show for a sidelined David Letterman. He starred in Disney’s hit comedy, “The Pacifier,” Warner Bros., “Music and Lyrics,” with Hugh Grant and Drew Barrymore and on Broadway in Neil Simon’s “The Odd Couple.” He can be heard in Fox’s “Night at the Museum,” Disney’s “Underdog,” and Pixar’s Academy Award winning animated film, “Ratatouille.” Garrett stars in the Fox comedy series, “’Til Death,” currently in its second season
Showtimes: Fri. 7:30 & 9:45PM / Sat.7:00 & 9:15PM
Tickets: $35 Visit http://standuplive.com/show_right.cfm?id=91803

Stand Up Live is located at 50 W. Jefferson St. Level 2 / Phoenix, AZ 85003 in CityScape next to Lucky Strike.
(2 drink minimum in showroom / Must be 18 yrs or older with a valid ID) CALL 480-719-6100

Official Website: http://www.standuplive.com

Added by personalpublicity on July 22, 2011

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