661 Howard St
San Francisco, California

Want to put your design skills to work creating books for clients?

Join Blurb and a couple of our most experienced BlurbNation bookmakers for an introduction to BlurbNation, a community of creative entrepreneurs building book-related businesses around the Blurb publishing platform. We'll show you how to build your own business designing professional-quality books for a wide range of clients.

There will be tons of Blurb books for you to check out, plenty of Blurb folks to help answer questions, and of course, we'll be providing food and plenty of drinks.

Some more information is pasted below - event will start at 4:30 and go until 6:30 or so. We'd love to see you there.

More on BlurbNation:

* Blurb provides everything you need to make books for your clients, including free bookmaking software, your own online bookstore, and a print-on-demand back-end that enables you to print professional-quality books in any quantity.
* BlurbNation helps you build a bookmaking business and market your skills to clients including businesses, non-profits, families, photographers, schools, and others in your community who have content ready to br put into books.
* Members are experienced designers, photographers, writers and editors - anyone who has the skill and experience to help clients create great books.
* Once you join BlurbNation, connect with the global member community for advice and support, and get access to marketing plans, case studies, rewards, and more.

Can't make it? Then meet us for a 45 minute online webinar on Wednesday, January 14th at 11am PST. Register here: https://www1.gotomeeting.com/register/828825424

Official Website: http://blurbnation.eventbrite.com

Added by maringuy on December 30, 2008