515 West Hastings Street
Vancouver, British Columbia V6B 5K3

How can we make efficient use of information technology and advanced networks to reduce our carbon footprint? Can we build environmentally sustainable technology for BC's campuses?

Join BCNET as we explore thought-provoking and inspiring discussions about green technologies for research and learning.

April 28 & 29, 2009
SFU Harbour Centre
515 West Hastings Street
Vancouver, BC

Attendees will learn ways to ease our demand on the world’s resources through the efficient use of optical research networks and information technology.

The conference will address a wide array of impact areas such as green data centres, applications that improve collaboration and eliminate travel, reducing power consumption and more…

Official Website: http://www.bc.net/2009-conference/overview.html

Added by thegreenpages on January 9, 2009



For a more specific list, see Rundfunk recommendations: http://www.gardner.nu/~edwin/rundfunk/?p=162

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