1065 Walther Blvd
Lawrenceville, Georgia 30043

Learn how to dance the basics of West coast Swing. This is a flavor of Swing that has been gaining popularity these past several years. We will teach you simple basic moves, and guide you through combining these dance moves into West Coast Swing Dance combinations. In addition, we will show you some valuable lead and follow technique that will make learning to dance more fun.
Be sure to invite some friends, our dance class are very laid back, and conveniently located in the heart of Lawrenceville Ga; by the home depot and AMC 18. Please give us a call if you have any questions about the West Coast Swing Class.

Every Thur July 19 - Aug 23, 2011
8:10pm - 9:10pm
1065 Walther Blvd
Lawrenceville Ga 30043
770.910.7853 - directions
770.855.4396 - questions about class

Costs: (1hr each wk for 6wks)
$72/person or $135/couple @ door
discount for payments received before the class starts.
registration is open until the 2nd week of class
drop in rate $15/person / class
Inquire about High school & college Student Rates
To pay in adv & get a discount for the Beginner West coast Swing Class:

If you have taken a west coast swing class check out our 102 dance class:


Official Website: http://www.meetup.com/dancing4fun/events/20467531/

Added by dancing4fun on July 7, 2011



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