BERLIN, Bundesland Berlin

Now in its 4th year, the Annual Thin Film Solar Summit is set to take place in Berlin, March 2012. Over 200 top attendees from all parts of the community will come together to share perspectives and divulge in networking opportunities.

This 2 day conference that covers all aspects of how to streamline and optimise your thin film business to increase your competitive advantage and seize the best new opportunities in the market. You will learn how to:

-Improve the yield of your production process strategies by significantly enhancing scale within your plant
-Enhance conversion efficiency and density of particles
-Learn how to increase materials yield within Cd-Te, CIGS, A-Si and create fast scalability to bring your product to the industrial scale
-Ensure you secure the finance backing you need to start you plant
-Find the key ingredients needed to succeed in the best new opportunities arising over new forms of technology to the best new markets around the globe

Why is it different?

-Exclusive case studies and interactive panel sessions from those with experience in the manufacturing process and operation of small and large scale Thin Film plants
-The speakers are people who have really faced and solved technical challenges in Thin Film
-Research has been undertaken with 30 leading Thin Film experts
-Q + A Scenario Financial Focus: - addressing the key challenges being faced in securing finance for long term thin film operation in Europe and abroad in the best new markets
-Hear the views from the utilities perspective

What additional features are there at this conference?

1.Networking –pre-event networking, talking with developers, utilities and financiers face to face
2.Case studies from new forms of technology (CIGS, BIPV) and success stories of scalability in both Europe and abroad
3.Interactive - Panel sessions, Financial Focus scenarios session, Customer panel in which your questions WILL answered
4.Exhibition hall – Module suppliers and manufacturers exhibiting the latest technologies for Thin Film plants

For more information please visit:

Added by beacsptoday on October 6, 2011

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