121 South River Rd.
Bedford, New Hampshire 03110

DemocracyFest events began as a result of the Howard Dean Presidential Campaign of 2004. Those who had been active in the campaign and on the DFA blog, wanted to keep the momentum going and to celebrate their accopmplishments.

The first DemocracyFest event was held in Pittsfield, Massachussets (a story in itself), and included speakers, trainers, music and food in one great event. Hundreds of people made it and had a terrific time learning how to be more effective for future campaigns.

The second DemocracyFest event was hosted in Austin, Texas by Democracy for Texas in June 2005. This time, between the training days and the Saturday Night party, nearly 2 thousand people made their way to the event in the heat of a Texas summer! It was a rousing success, setting the stage for this year’s event.

The 3rd Annual DemocracyFest event was even bigger and better than ever. Building on the experience of the past, and bringing new energy, San Diego for Democracy’s plans for this year was another fabulous event! As usual, DemocracyFest featured the fantastic training capabilities of Latinos for America, grassroots training and speakers from Root Camp, fantastic guest speakers, panels, entertainment and events provided by the host committee (San Diego for Democracy) and as if that weren’t enough, a Saturday night full of great food, great entertainment, and great speakers!

DemocracyFest 2007 promises more of the same

Official Website: http://www.democracyfest.net/

Added by raines on November 16, 2006



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