310 West Broadway
New York, New York 10013

Meet Steve Garfield from SteveGarfield.com and Donna Suffling from word of mouth marketing firm 1000Heads for drinks and dinner.

We'll meet in the lobby of the SoHo Grand and then head out.

Official Website: http://offonatangent.blogspot.com/2007/09/steve-across-america-nyc-922.html

Added by stevegarfield on September 18, 2007



Wish I could be there, but we'll be at a concert that night!

Paull Young

I'll be there. Bringing two Converseon colleagues and two wild Australians.

Eric Rochow

will be upstate on the weekend. let me know when you are in NYC during the week. thanks, eric of gardenfork.tv


see you there
and then you will learn the REST of the story
(insert evil laughter -> here .......... -> and here ............................................................................ -> here for good measure :)