370 Brannan St
San Francisco, California 94107

What does it mean to have a "portable social network?"

What can we do to become more portable?

What the hell is a microformat, and why should we care?

What are we waiting for? Let's work together to make something happen.

Come out and participate in the first ever Social Network Portability Meetup at Satisfaction Unlimited (The Satisfactory.)

We provide the space, you bring your delicious brains and maybe something to eat.

Added by tedgrubb on August 20, 2007



Or bring your delicious brains TO eat.

Justin Baum

That was great yall.


Thanks a lot. That was a blast!

Work in progress...



Thank you all for coming. I have a feeling we're going to see some really cool stuff in the near future ;)


Teddy and Satisfaction crew, thanks for hosting and leading this disucssion.

I've created a wiki page for notes, photos, links to posts etc. I tried to add everyone my faulty memory could recall offhand, so you may want to check to make sure - add and link to yourself, and add your notes!



Definitely interested in this but didn't see the meetup until now. Hope to come to the next one.