"Predicting the future is a dangerous game.

'Future Files' is filled with startling facts from the present, from which are derived staggering insights about the next half century. It examines emerging trends and developments in society, technology, economy, and business, and makes educated speculation as to where they might take us.'Future Files' will prove indispensable to business planners, strategists or anyone that needs to stay ahead of the game."

With Richard Watson, author, editor and Chief Futurist.

Chair: Nico Macdonald

Official Website: http://www.thersa.org/events/our-events/future-files-a-history-of-the-next-50-years

Added by nico_macdonald on August 13, 2008



Please note that this event is very popular and we are expecting a full house on the evening.

The event will be recorded and available as an mp3 audio download from the RSA website. The event will also be live-streamed to the RSA website and the event will be filmed for our Vision strand and available to watch online free after the date.


Many thanks, RSA events team