11 Macclesfield Street
London, England W1D 5BW

Birthday party in London

We'd like to invite the web development community in London for a birthday celebration for the YUI Library and Yahoo Pattern Library.

At 6.30, we'll be broadcasting a message from the YUI/YPattern guys in the US and there will also be a short talk by
Christian Heilmann

There will be beer and snacks, so please come along, hear what we are up to in 2008 and help us celebrate!

Sadly, there is limited space so please register here on Upcoming. There are 85 places and it's first come, first served.

About This Event

In February 2008, the YUI Library and the Yahoo Pattern Library turn two years old.

In those short two years, YUI has grown into a richly featured library that embodies some of the best of what HTML, CSS and JavaScript make possible in the browser. With a light, fast core, YUI empowers you to build your own solutions that support all A-Grade Browsers. And when you want to pull additional functionality off the shelf, YUI is there for you with more than 30 a la carte components that range in complexity from a simple JSON Utility to the powerful DataTable, Menu and Rich Text Editor. When big established brands like CBS Marketwatch, Southwest Airlines, Northwest Airlines, IndyCar.com, and others join Yahoo in implementing YUI, you know you've got a library with great traction, momentum, and critical mass. And when you see young companies like Gaia Online, Mint, and OurStory building the future of their business with YUI at the foundation, you know what motivates us to keep improving the library every day.

The Yahoo Pattern Library is the outgrowth of a long history of work at Yahoo and elsewhere. Bill Scott, now at NetFlix, took the Pattern Library "open" alongside YUI back in 2005, and it's now under the stewardship of Christian Crumlish. But the library really draws from the creativity, inspiration, and effort of the full community of user-experience specialists at Yahoo, as well as from those of you in the community who work with Christian to improve upon and interate the patterns. Christian is hard at work burnishing the existing patterns and creating new ones, and 2008 looks like another great year for this resource.

Added by Sophie D-P on February 11, 2008