8430 W Sunset Blvd
Los Angeles, California 90069

John Flansburgh and John Linnell are the songwriting duo behind New York-based They Might Be Giants. Quirky pop songs and constant touring have made this group one of the most popular college rock bands of the past two decades. Oppenheimer are an indie pop electronica band from Belfast, Northern Ireland. The band is made up of musicians Shaun Robinson and Rocky O'Reilly. Robinson and O'Reilly were previously members of the now disbanded Belfast group, Torgas Valley Reds.

Added by Upcoming Robot on September 27, 2007


Bell Jar Theatre

I am directing this Play. If you have a chance please come on out! Bring your friends! If you haven't seen it; it's a solid good story that will have you holding your breath at times while laughing out loud at others. Do bring a tissue. If you have seen this play, come on out anyway. I've taken a different twist-focused on the mental illness as the antagonist as opposed to making Claire the "fall guy." This makes all the characters more human and well rounded. We can see ourselves in and identify with each character. Makes for a more satisfying story.

The actors have been troupers all around. They take it in stride when I say "I'm directing your soul right now." Frequently I tell them to Taste it: Hear it, Feel it and take me along for the ride. They do. As a director, I laugh and cry and sit back and think: Wow-that's such a well crafted scene. The writer has given us such a wonderful story and these actors are taking it to new dimensions.

I am also producing this play. Haven't done that aspect before. Wow! such a lot of work. I am overwhelmed with the logistics. Anyway, I am a bit late getting my advertising out so if you could push this along I would really appreciate it.



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