500 E Cesar Chavez Street
Austin, Texas 78701

The South by Southwest Film Conference and Festival is essentially two events in one. By day, it is an industry-oriented film conference with panels, workshops, mentor sessions and a Trade Show. It has been described as a five day crash course on guerilla filmmaking and marketing. Day and night the SXSW Film Festival screens about 150 - 200 of the best independent films produced during the previous year as well as works from established directors who have inspired the latest generation of filmmakers. Aspiring novices and seasoned professionals alike can immerse themselves in film and the business of film by registering for SXSW.

The South by Southwest Film Conference & Festival (SXSW Film) has succeeded in its attempt to blend enthusiastic crowds with the experts of the film industry. Between educational panels and premiere screenings, SXSW Film has maintained its vision of celebrating ingenuity. For once, here's film independence you can depend on.

Official Website: http://2007.sxsw.com/film/

Added by kathrynyu on August 1, 2006