500 E Cesar Chavez Street
Austin, Texas 78701

DIY teachers around the world are using open source course management systems and other open source tools to buck the chains and limitations of corporate education software. Edupunk is the approach to teaching and learning practices that results, and this panel will be discussing the movement, its challenges, and its future.

Panelists Include:
Jim Groom (University of Mary Washington)
Gardner Campbell (Baylor University)
Stephen Downes (National Research Council)
Barbara Ganley (Digital Explorations)
Dave Lester, moderator (George Mason University)

This is a panel during the SXSW 2009 Interactive conference. You must have a pass for the conference to attend this panel.

When discussing this panel, use the #sxswed hashtag. Hope to see you there!

Added by davelester on February 13, 2009